Saturday, February 28, 2009

Media Roadmap: Tips to a Successful Interview


  • Visualize a successful conversation.
  • Do your homework: watch the TV program and/or listen to the radio station.Check out their websites
  • Find out who the audience is. Decide beforehand, what is in it for them? How can they benefit from what you have to say?
  • Figure out what you want the audience to do, think or feel as a result of your interview.
  • Stave off the impulse to shop or run for botox shots. Find a comfortable, attractive outfit that doesn't upstage your message.


  • Practice the interview beforehand until it becomes second nature.
  • Video-tape it.
  • Vocalize the day of the interview. Sing, breathe, do 10 deep diaphragmatic breaths.


Before the interview:

  • Anticipate the tough questions.
  • Prepare the 3 to 5 core messages you want to state.
  • Decide upon your wardrobe and shelve anything plaid , polka dotted or glittery
  • Gather all the little must-haves you might need like water, tissues and contact lens.
  • Reconfirm time, date, address, and the format the day before. Set your alarm clock.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast and drink water. It hydrates you and your voice.
On the set:
  • Sit at the edge of your seat and lean towards the host. Mirror his/her energy and body language.
  • Use the host's first name. Smile and thank the host for having you.
  • Keep the interview conversational and relaxed.
  • Never get defensive. Smile and reframe any negative comment in a positive light.
  • Take control of the interview and lead with your key messages.
  • Say 3 to 5 core messages in short, clear and dynamic sound bites. Think in headlines.
  • Figure out a strong grabber to open your interview.
  • During the interview, pause and breathe between thoughts.
  • At the end of the interview, repeat your key points.
  • Bridge any questions asked back to your core messages.
  • End with a "call to action to the audience.